April 2019: Shaye Woolard from Wisconsin

by Julia LiMarzi

Shaye Woolard from Wisconsin

Member since January 2018

It's Member Spotlight time! This month's Member Spotlight is Shaye Woolard from Wisconsin. Bokksu is a family event in Shaye's house, and we can't blame her for trying to sneak some snacks while her family is outside. Read what she has to say about her Bokksu experience:

1. How do you feel about being selected as our Bokksu Member Spotlight?

I feel honored

2. What do you find most exciting about Japanese snacks?

There are so many unique flavors and combinations. That we never see here in the states.

3. What made you fall in love with Japanese snacks?

The clean flavorful and unique taste.

4. What was your favorite snack and/or favorite theme in our past boxes?

Suupa Mucho Stick Sour Plum

5. On average, how long does your Bokksu last before you finish the whole box?

Our Bokksu does not last to long because we share it as a family of 5. We started it because we chose Japanese as our foreign language

6. What Japanese snack would you like to see in a future Bokksu?

My kids would love to see a DIY candy kit or the unique flavor of sodas we dont get. They really want a drink other than tea. lol

7. What is a future theme you would like to see Bokksu do?

Anime food

8. How would you describe the feeling you get when you’re about to open your Bokksu?

Opening a Bokksu is like Christmas morning when I was a kid!

9. What are you most excited about this summer?

Getting my kids outside finally to the playground while I snack on Bokksu secretly to keep some to myself.

10. What is one Japanese food you just can’t get enough of (doesn’t have to be a Bokksu snack)?

I love the green tea flavor that they get in their foods. That is a favorite of mine.

Thanks for being this month's member spotlight, Shaye! It was so great to hear your thoughts :)

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