August 2019: JP Benini from New York

by Julia LiMarzi

JP Benini from New York

Member since January 2016


It's Member Spotlight time! This month's Member Spotlight is JP Benini from New York. A friend of Danny's, he came out of friendship and stayed for the snacks. We'll always be here to support that snacking habit, with the best snacks Japan has to offer. Read what he has to say about his Bokksu experience:

1. What made you fall in love with Japanese snacks?

Everything about them. The variety of flavors, textures, even the creative packaging. They make traditional western snacks seem down right boring.

2. How did you first hear about bokksu?

I actually heard about Bokksu pretty early on from the founder, Danny.

3. What made you decide to take the plunge and join?

Joining was a no-brainer. As much as I was supporting Danny, I was also supporting a pretty serious snacking habit.

4. Are you the kind of person who eats your box in one go, or do you take your time throughout the month?

I pace it out. If there are one or two that catch my eye, I'll try to save them for last and savor them later. It's great that there is more than one of each snack in the pack so if something is a pleasant surprise, I can always go back for the second one later.

5. What was your favorite snack or theme from our past boxes?

I was not aware that seaweed tempura was a thing until the July Citrus Bokksu. I tried my best to save some and share with friends but ended up annihilating it. That is a snack that I will definitely be ordering again over and over in the very near future.

6. Do you have a favorite thing about Bokksu? If so, what is it?

I enjoy discovering new snacks and the presented experience with the breakdown and bios of each snack is really great. Trying a snack isn't a complete shot in the dark and even if I expect something there is always the opportunity for a pleasant surprise.

7. Do you ever share your Bokksu? With who? (if not, we don’t blame you!)

I do share my bokksu with my fiancé.

8. Do you guys ever fight over snacks, or do you have different tastes?

It works out really well cause I want all the savory snacks and he goes right for the sweet. If anything, we fight over the tea. There is usually nothing left.

9. What is a future theme you’d like to see us do?

MORE PERSIMMON!!! Sorry, it's my favorite. I just can't get enough.

10. What Japanese snack would you like to see in a future box?

I really enjoyed the salty and citrusy snacks. Maybe something with pomelo in the future? The best pomelo I've ever had in my life was in Tokyo.

11. What’s your favorite Japanese snack or food? (doesn’t need to be a Bokksu snack)

As much as I loved the sudachi seaweed tempura, and the apple caramel yakkoi sable holds a special place in my heart, a white peach jelly I had from Minamoto Kitchoan was PHENOMENAL. I've definitely craved its peachy goodness again in the past.

12. Have you ever been to Japan? If yes, what was the highlight of your trip?

I have been to Japan for work a few times, even living there for 6 months as part of a project's deployment. I have never had a bad meal in Japan. Whether it was an expensive meal or just grabbing something from a small mom & pop shop, everything was fantastic and memorable. Except natto... I just can't with natto. Being a giant gamer, I wasted HOURS if not days in Akihabara. Rifling through the vintage game shops, finding things never released stateside, fawning over incredibly rare gaming memorabilia - my wallet cried every time I went out there, but it was a blast.

Thanks JP for being this month's Member Spotlight!