Categories Description Do We Disclose this Information? Do We Sell this Information? Categories of Third Parties to Whom We May Disclose or Sell this Information

Includes direct identifiers, such as name, alias user ID, username, or unique personal identifier; email address, phone number, address and other contact information; IP address and other online identifiers.

Includes personal information, such as name, account name, user ID, contact information, payment information that individuals provide us in order to purchase or obtain our products and services. For example, this may include information collected when an individual register for an account, purchases or orders our products and services, or enters into an agreement with us related to our products and services.

YES YES • Bokksu Site and App users
• service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• advertising networks
• data analytics providers
• social networks
Customer Records

Includes personal information, such as name, account name, user ID, contact information, payment information that individuals provide us in order to purchase or obtain our products and services. For example, this may include information collected when an individual register for an account, purchases or orders our products and services, or enters into an agreement with us related to our products and services.

YES NO "• Bokksu Site and App users
• service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• advertising networks
• data analytics providers
• social networks• service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• data analytics providers
• payment processors

Commercial Information

Includes records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or use histories or tendencies.

YES NO • service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• data analytics providers
Usage Data

Includes browsing history, clickstream data, search history, access logs and other usage data and information regarding an individual’s interaction with our websites, mobile apps and other Services, and our marketing emails and online ads.

YES YES • service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• data analytics providers
• payment processors
Geolocation Data Includes precise location information about a particular individual or device.

YES NO • service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• data analytics providers
• payment processors
Audio, Video and Electronic Data Includes electronic, visual, or similar information such as photographs, images and videos (e.g., that you provide us or tag us in on your social media posts) and call recordings (e.g., of customer support calls).

YES NO • service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• data analytics providers
• payment processors

Protected Classifications

Includes characteristics of protected classifications under applicable federal federal and California laws, such as information that you voluntarily include in your account profile (e.g., gender, marital status).

YES NO • service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• data analytics providers
• payment processors


Includes inferences drawn from other personal information that we collect to create a profile reflecting an individual’s preferences, characteristics, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities or aptitudes. For example, we may analyze personal information in order to identify the offers and information that may be most relevant to customers, so that we can better reach them with relevant offers and ads.

YES NO • service providers
• advisors and agents
• government entities and law enforcement
• affiliates and subsidiaries
• data analytics providers
• payment processors

California Residents’ Rights

CCPA Rights. In general, California residents have the following rights with respect to their personal information:

  • Do-not-sell to opt-out of our sale of their personal information. While we may “sell” personal information as defined by the CCPA, we do not sell personal information about California consumers who we know are younger than 16 years old. California residents may opt out of sales of their personal information by us, by submitting a request to exercise your rights below.
  • Right of deletion: to request deletion of their personal information that we have collected about them and to have such personal information deleted (without charge), subject to certain exceptions.
  • Right to know: with respect to the personal information we have collected about them in the prior 12 months, to require that we disclose the following to them (up to twice per year and subject to certain exemptions):
  • categories of personal information collected;
  • categories of sources of personal information;
  • categories of personal information about them we have disclosed for a business purpose or sold;
  • categories of third parties to whom we have sold or disclosed for a business purpose their personal information;
  • the business or commercial purposes for collecting or selling personal information; and
  • a copy of the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about them.
  • Right to non-discrimination: the right not to be subject to discriminatory treatment for exercising their rights under the CCPA.

 Submitting CCPA Requests.  California residents may submit CCPA requests to opt out of sales, requests to know (access) and requests to delete their personal information through one of the following methods:

  • Online using the following link 
  • Exercise your Rights
  • Via email by sending an email to

When you submit a request to know or a request to delete, we will take steps to verify your request by matching the information provided by you with the information we have in our records. You must complete all required fields on our webform or otherwise provide us with an picture of your ID with California Address and Utility Bill to verify your request. In some cases, we may request additional information in order to verify your request or where necessary to process your request. If we are unable to adequately verify a request, we will notify the requestor. Authorized agents may initiate a request on behalf of another individual by contacting us at; authorized agents will be required to provide proof of their authorization and we may also require that the relevant consumer directly verify their identity and the authority of the authorized agent.   


Financial Incentives. We may make available certain programs or offerings that are considered “financial incentives” under the CCPA. For example, we may offer discounts to you and your friends when you refer a friend to Bokksu. We also offer Bokksu Rewards points when you provide us with information, make purchases, or interact with us on social media. The categories of personal information implicated by these financial incentives include: Identifiers, Customer Records, Commercial Information, and Audio, Video and Electronic Data. Information on how to join Bokksu Rewards or earn discounts or loyalty points is available at You may withdraw from Bokksu Rewards by contacting us at


We generally do not assign a monetary value to the information that we collect about you and strive to only use that information to further our business in accordance with our Privacy Policy; to the extent that we are required to assign a monetary value to your personal information when we provide financial incentives to you, the personal information is equal to the value of the discount or financial incentive that we have provided to you. For example, if we offer you a discount for signing up for our email list, the value of the financial incentive would be the amount of the discount offered to you.


With respect to Bokksu Rewards, the value you receive in participating in our Bokksu Rewards is calculated by and depends on the amount you spend with us and/or nature of your interaction with us, with points awarded in accordance with the Bokksu Rewards terms in effect at that time. Points do not have monetary value, but each point can generally be redeemed for approximately $0.01 in rewards, but this may vary from time to time.


Your Privacy Rights Under California Shine the Light Law. Under California’s “Shine the Light” law (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.83), California residents who provide us certain personal information are entitled to request and obtain from us, free of charge, information about the personal information (if any) we have shared with third parties for their own direct marketing use. Such requests may be made once per calendar year for information about any relevant third-party sharing in the prior calendar year. To submit a “Shine the Light” request, email us at, and include in your request a current California address and your attestation that you are a California resident.


For more information about our privacy practices, you may contact us at 

  • An explanation of how the financial incentive or price or service difference is reasonably related to the value of the consumer’s data, including:
  • A good-faith estimate of the value of the consumer’s data that forms the basis for offering the financial incentive or price or service difference; and
  • A description of the method the business used to calculate the value of the consumer’s data.


Effective Date: This Privacy Policy is effective and was last updated on December 29, 2023. 

Privacy Policy

Bokksu Inc (“Bokksu”, “we” or “us”), the operator of this web site, is committed to preserving the privacy of those who visit the site (the “Site”). This document will outline how we gather and utilize various sources of information obtained during your visit to the Site and the services, features, content or applications we offer (collectively with the Site, the "Services"). This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected at this Site and is made a part of and incorporated into the Site Terms and Conditions.

This Privacy Policy communicates how, when, and why we gather information about our customers and what we do with it.


Information Collected

Personal Information

If you subscribe to Bokksu and/or place an order through, we will ask you for your name, e-mail address, shipping address, telephone number and credit card information or certain other personally identifiable information about yourself ("Personal Information").

We use this information to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of your order status. All archived credit card information is maintained in a secure and safe environment. Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are used to contact you regarding your order. In addition, when you respond to a contest, survey, questionnaire, sweepstakes or other promotional feature, we may ask you for your name, address and email address or other Personal Information. We do not collect any Personal Information about you unless it is voluntarily provided by you. Bokksu will never sell, rent or share your Personal Information, including your e-mail address, with any third parties for marketing purposes without your express permission.

Non-personally Identifiable Information

In addition, we may also collect non-personally identifiable information, such as IP host address, pages viewed, browser type, duration and frequency of visits, and other data, and may aggregate any information collected in a manner which does not identify any individual ("Aggregate Information"). Information obtained in connection with the Site may be intermingled with and used by us in conjunction with information obtained through sources other than the, Site including both offline and online sources.

How We Use Your Information

We will not share or disclose your information to anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.

Enhance and Personalized Shopping Experience

We use Personal Information in order to give you a more enjoyable convenient shopping experience and to help us identify and/or provide information, products or services that may be of interest to you. We use your Personal Information to support and enhance your use of the Site, and its features, the App, and the Store, including without limitation: fulfilling your order; providing customer service; tracking email invitations you send; and otherwise supporting your use of the Site.

We may also track your past purchases to provide you with a personalized profile of your shopping history. In addition, we may notify you about new services or special promotional programs, or send you offers or information. In connection with their performance of services to maintain and operate the Site and certain features on the Site, certain trusted third parties may be permitted to access your information. For example, we may use third parties to host the Site; operate various features available on the Site; send emails; analyze data; provide search results and links and assist in fulfilling your orders.

Affiliates; Consultants; Third Parties

Unless you specifically consent to the disclosure of your Personal Information, aside from us, only our affiliates, technical consultants, third party auditors and other third parties who make our Site available, enhance its functionality, assist with the processing of your purchases, or provide associated services and/or who deal with you in delivering content, samples, products, gifts and prizes, have access to this information, and we require them to agree that they are covered by this policy. No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes. All of the above categories exclude text messages.

Information Related to Advertising

To support and enhance the Services, we may serve advertisements, and also allow third parties advertisements, through the Services. These advertisements are sometimes targeted and served to particular users and may come from third party companies called "ad networks." Ad networks include third party ad servers, ad agencies, ad technology vendors and research firms. We may engage with ad networks that are members or organizations or programs that manage the advertising privacy choices these ad networks offer consumers.

When you visit our Site or use our mobile applications or other Services, ad networks and other parties may collect information about your online activities over time and across different websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these ad networks and other parties.

Advertisements served through the Services may be targeted to users who fit a certain general profile category, which may be inferred from information provided to us by a user, may be based on the Services usage patterns of particular users, or may be based on your activity on Third Party Services. We do not provide Personal Information to any ad networks for use other than in connection with the Services.

  • For more information about these third-party Ad Networks and opting out of tracking through the NAI, visit here.
  • For more information about interest-based advertising and opting out through the DAA, visit here.
  • For more information about disabling and controlling third-party cookies in your browser, visit here.

Law Enforcement and Investigations

Please note that Bokksu reserves the right to and may disclose Personal Information about you in response to (a) requests from local, state or federal law enforcement officials; (b) any judicial, administrative or similar proceeding or order, such as subpoena; (c) if required by law; or (d) to investigate suspected fraud, harassment, physical threats, or other violations of any law, rule or regulation, the Site rules or policies, or the rights of third parties or to investigate any suspected conduct which we deem improper.

Change of Control

Please also note that we do reserve the right to transfer your Personal Information and other information as an asset in connection with a proposed or actual merger or sale (including any transfers made as part of an insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding) involving all or part of our business or as part of a corporate reorganization, stock sale or other change in control. In such a circumstance the Transferee would be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Non-personally Identifiable Information

We use non-personally identifiable information in the aggregate, so that we can improve the Site and for business and administrative purposes. We may also use or share with third parties for any purpose aggregated data that contains no personally identifiable information.


If you submit your email address to be added to a mailing list or Sweepstakes or other promotion, we will use the email address for the sole purpose of sending you announcements, special offers from Bokksu and its promotional partners along with Site updates. Each email we send will contain information on how to unsubscribe from our mailing list. You can also unsubscribe by sending an email to


If you elect to use our referral services for informing a friend about our Site we ask you for the friend's name and email address. Bokksu will automatically send the friend a one-time email inviting them to visit the Site. Bokksu stores this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time email and tracking the success of our referral program. The friend may contact Bokksu at to request the removal of this information from our database.

Use of Cookies

Our Site may pass a "cookie" (a string of information that is sent by a web site to be resident on your system's hard drive, and/or temporarily in your computer's memory blocks). The purpose of a cookie is to tell the web server that you have returned to a particular page. The Site may use cookies in on-line catalogs to keep track of your status and contents of your shopping cart, or to retain information gathered in cookies to allow you access to password-protected areas of the Site. You may set your browser to decline cookies. If you do so, however, you may not be able to fully experience some interactive features of the Site.

How We Protect Your Information

We are committed to protecting the information we receive from you. However, Bokksu will not be liable for disclosures of your Personal Information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized acts of third parties. We have undertaken commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized Internet access to visitor data retained in our servers, however, due to the inherent open nature of the Internet, Bokksu cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or any information provided online, and you do so at your own risk. Users must accept all risks associated with any data transmission, including the risk that their Personal Information may be intercepted in transit.

The Site encrypts your credit card number and other Personal Information using secure socket layer (SSL) technology to provide for the secure transmission of the information from your PC to our servers. In addition, only those employees and third parties who need access to you information in order to perform their duties are allowed such access.

Accessing and Updating Your Personal Information and Preferences

If you are a registered user, you may access and update your registration information and your preferences to receive email or other communications from us by sending an email to

We will take commercially reasonable steps to implement your opt-out requests promptly, but you may still receive communications from us for up to ten business days as we process your request.

While we make efforts to accommodate requests to restrict our use of your information, we reserve the right to delete all or any portion of customer information if we are not able to reasonably accommodate a requested restriction.

Bokksu uses a self-assessment approach to assure compliance with this privacy policy and periodically verifies that the policy is accurate, comprehensive for the information intended to be covered, prominently displayed, completely implemented and accessible. We encourage interested persons to raise any concerns using the contact information provided and we will investigate and attempt to resolve any complaints and disputes regarding use and disclosure of Personal Information.

Children's Privacy and Parental Controls

This Site and the App are not intended for persons under the age of 13, and we have no intention of collecting or soliciting Personal Information from persons under the age of 13. If you are not 13 or older, you are not authorized to use the Site. Parents should be aware that there are parental control tools available online that you can use to prevent your children from submitting information online without parental permission or from accessing material that is harmful to minors. If a child under age 13 has provided us with Personal Information, we will use all reasonable efforts to delete such information from our database.

Links To Third Party Sites

Our Site may contain links to other web sites, including our affiliated or co-branded web sites. Other web sites may also reference or link to our Site. These "other" domains (web sites) are not controlled by Bokksu. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our Site to read the privacy policies of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information. We do not endorse, screen or approve, and are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such other web sites. Visiting these other web sites is at your own risk.

Site Terms and Conditions

Use of this Site is governed by, and subject to, the legal notices contained in our Terms and Conditions. Your use, or access, of the Site constitutes your agreement to be bound by these provisions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS YOU MAY NOT ACCESS OR OTHERWISE USE THE SITE.

We collect various information on our behalf from and about you, including information you directly provide when you use the Messaging Service. For example, we collect the phone number and/or email address you provided when signing up for the Messaging Service. When you send messages via the Messaging Service, we will also collect your messaging history and any information included in those messages. We may also collect information about you using cookies or similar technologies. Cookies are pieces of information that are stored by your browser on the hard drive or memory of your device. Cookies enable personalization of your experience on the Messaging Service. For example, we use cookies to track the items in your Shopping Cart and may use that information to send you triggered text campaigns (e.g., sending you personalized text messages such as shopping cart reminders). Message frequency will vary. Msg & data rates may apply, Reply STOP, Reply HELP. Reply HELP for help or email

Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions from this policy at any time. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revised Privacy Policy here so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we may disclose it to anyone. Your continued use of the Site indicates your assent to the Privacy Policy as posted. Please check this page periodically for changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make any change to this Privacy Policy that we in our sole discretion deem material, we will notify you in a manner we deem appropriate.

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy or to exercise California privacy rights regarding CCPA , please contact us at:

United States of America

Our Site is maintained in the United States of America. By using the Site you authorize the export of Personal Information to the USA and its storage and use as specified in this policy.